
Hive connects the next generation of talent to opportunities. Create a profile, build a resume, apply to internships and jobs, and engage with our extensive list of employers looking for candidates just like you.


Hive companies value students from all kinds of lived experiences, interests, and skills and want to hire candidates for who they are. Candidates get the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment and stand out to employers.


Easily update your resume over time with our patented resume builder tool so your one-sheeter keeps up with your experiences in college and beyond.


Whether you’re a first-year student or a senior, our programs and events showcase our community of companies to you wherever you are in your career journey.


Building a resume from scratch is hard; Hive makes it easier - because we know you have better things to do than format bullet points.

  • Profile Creation

    Set up your profile by following a few easy and fun steps.

  • Hive5 Process

    Be yourself first! Learn how to be prepared and committed to succeed by presenting your profile to employers in an innovative way during the Hive5 Process.

  • Build Your Resume

    Our 2x patented resume-building technology will allow you to create a perfectly formatted, 1-page resume that helps you be your full self on paper.

  • Apply!

    Access our extensive database of employers looking to hire next-gen talent, which includes roles, internships, events, and Hive-hosted experiences.


Hear from our Hive students who found their dream roles on Hive!


"Through Hive, I have learned to be proud of my diversities and learn to share that, something I have never had the courage to do before. The mentors and peers in this network are truly amazing and have taught me so much."

Intern at Goldman Sachs